You can use this form to create a new tax group or to edit the existing one.

The Tax Group (create) form

Click the Add button to add a new row for a tax group member.

<Auto> in the Code field indicates that an unique code to this document is assigned automatically when you save the document.

In the Description field, enter an alphanumeric string that will be used as this tax group's name.

In the TRN, type the tax registration number for the tax group.

The Tax Group Members on Date filed, by default is populated with the current business date. Select the date starting which the listed entities are considered this group's members. Notice that if you need to edit the existing group, to view when the group had been created and edited, click the History link above the form toolbar.

Group Members

Click Add to add a row to the table.

In the Entity columns, select the company's entity which will be considered a member of this group. Any entity may be a member of only one group.

In the Representative Member column select the group's representative member(Yes or No). Only one entity can be a group representative. A group cannot be saved if no representative member is selected.

The toolbar buttons

To save the tax group, click Save; to save the tax and close the form, click Save and close.

Click the Tax Group Liability Transfer button to open the corresponding form and to calculate VAT liability for each groups member and generate tax transactions which will transfer the VAT liability from ordinary members to the Representative Member of the tax group.

For descriptions of other toolbar buttons, see Document Toolbar.

The Available links

The following links are available above the toolbar on this form:

  • History: Click this link to open the history if tax groups. You can view when and how the number of group members had been changed.
  • Main: Click this link to return to the main view of the form.

  • No labels