Use this tab to select the start date of the fiscal year for your entity and specify the accounting policy concerning the discounts.

The Entity (create) form. The Accounting Parameters tab

In the Fiscal Year Starts field, you can specify the first period of the fiscal year for the company.

The Currencies section

This section is available if the Entity-Level Multi-Currency Accounting option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Money form. For more information, refer to Overview of the Entity-Level Multi-Currency Accounting functionality.

In the National Currency field, select the national currency of the country where this entity of your company is registered and must file local tax reports. 

In the Accounting Currency field, select the accounting currency for this entity of your company in which it will keep its accounting records. 

The default values for both these fields are specified on the  Administration > Settings > Money form.

The Accounting Policy section

If according to the accounting policy in your company, discounts should be posted to General Ledger, select the Create GL Entries for Trade Discounts option.  This option is available only if either the Enable Discounts and Markups in Sales Documents or Enable  Automatic Discounts and Markups option or both are selected on the Administration > Settings > Sales form.

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