By using this tab, you can view the revenue and cost estimates for the project. Estimates for the project are created by using the Project Costing > Project Costing Documents > Project Estimates form.

If you need to edit the current budget (estimates) of the project, click the Edit Current Estimates button.

If you need to create a new version of the project budget (estimates), click the Edit New Estimates button.

The "Projects (create)" form. The Estimates tab (the Independent Calculations of Costs and Revenues method)

The Estimates tab comprises some nested tabs.

If the Independent Calculation of Costs and Revenues method was selected for the project budget, there are the Revenues and Costs tabs.

If the Calculation of Revenues based on Costs method was selected for the project budget, there are the Revenue and Costs and Overhead tabs.

For both methods, if the project estimates were created detailed down to project planning periods, there is one more tab - Estimates by Period.

The Estimate totals and other information

The following fields appear at the bottom of this tab:

  • Revenue: Shows the total amount of all the listed revenue estimates for the project.
  • Cost: Shows the total amount of all the listed cost estimates for the project.
  • Overhead: Appears for the estimates made with the Calculation of Revenues Based on Costs method
  • Profit: Shows the difference between the Revenue and Cost amounts.

The toolbar buttons

At any time, you can edit the current version of estimates, or create a new version of estimates.

  • Edit Current Estimates: Click it if you want to edit the current estimates saved for the project.
  • Create New Estimates: Click it to create a new version of estimates.

Also, you can use the Project Estimate Versions link (above the form toolbar) to view the history of the estimates for the project and the Project Statuses link to view the history of project statuses.

See also

  • No labels