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To turn on the functionality of batch tracking, open the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form and select the Batch Tracking option. Also, consider selecting the Use Date of Batch Origin for Stock Aging Report option if you need to track aging of these items based on the batch origin date.


Note. You must enable this functionality if you cell products through consignees or perform sell products received for consignment sales, stock products at contract warehouses, or receive products to your warehouses on contract basis, issue products for processing by subcontractors.

That is, the Batch Tracking option must be selected either if the   Issue Receive Goods for  for Consignment Sales option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Sales form, or any (or both) of the following options are Receive Goods for Contract Warehousing or Receive Goods for Processing by Subcontractor options is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form:



Creating batches

Notice that defining and specifying batches for purchased or manufactured items with batch tracking is optional. However, batch numbers are required for items intended for consignment sales, subcontractor processing, and for those to be stocked in contract warehouses.


Note. It is recommended that you set up certain rules for naming item batches. For example, for items to be used as the entity's own inventory, names can be based on the dates of the batch origin and expiration as "101021-100622" or "OD101021-ED100622". Such batch numbers in selection drop-down lists would help users view which batches have earlier expiration dates when picking the particular units for sale. Consider creating a rule for setting the date of origin - it could be the date of purchase or the date of manufacturing by the product's manufacturer – this date will be used for product batch aging.

For items to be moved to another company or received as inventory of another company, you can set differing rules. For instance, for items being send to received for subcontractor processing you can use the movement date as the date of origin and as the for batch number ("SP021121").


  • Own Inventory: for items that the entity owns and keeps for sale.
  • Safe Custody: for items moved received to another companythe entity's contact warehousewarehouses.
  • Commission Materials: for items moved to another company received for subcontractor processing.
  • Consignment Sales: for items intended for consignment sales.

In the Batch Owner field, you can specify who produced the company that owns this batch.

Then select the expiration date if this batch has expiration date.


If you need to know the details on items with batches which were transferred, you can use the Balance of Transferred Inventory and Statement of Transferred Inventory reports which list the subcontractor and consignee companies and companies with contract warehouses to which the entity's inventory was movedinventory received from other companies. The items are listed without batch details.