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This tab provides information on calculated last-month expenses associated with the benefits granted to the employee who now quits or is fired.

The "Employment Termination (create)" form. The Provisions tab


The Calculation Method column shows the methods used for creating the benefit accrualprovision. The benefit amount was accrued accumulated by adding each month a fixed amount or percentage of specific types of compensation earning types (or accrual types) that were paid in previous month to the employee.

The Percent/Amount column shows either a fixed amount or the percent of specific types of compensation earning type (or accrual type) according to the calculation method. For details, refer to Employee Benefits Provisions.

The Amount column shows the monthly amount to be added to the benefit accrued amountprovision. 

The CurrCur. column shows the currency of the benefit.


For benefits that are calculated as percent of compensation earning type (or accrual type) amount, you can view the details of calculation. For this, select the benefit and click the Show Provision Calculation button on the table toolbar—this opens the Provision Calculation Report form.

The Provision Calculation Report

This form provides information on the accruals (earning types) used as the base for the benefit that is selected in the list on the Provisions tab; available only for benefits defined as percentages.


The Total Base Amount shows the amount of all base accruals (and deductions if any) for the previous pay period. The Provision Percent field shows the percent of base accruals used for the benefit accrual according to the benefit definition in the Employee Benefit Types master records.

The Total Amount field shows the resulting amount to be added to the benefit accrued accumulated amount for the current month and to be recorded as expense in the current month.

The report's table presents the following details of calculation.:

  • The Accounting Period column shows the pay period in which the amounts of base accruals were calculated.
  • The Accrual Type column is populated with the base accruals (earning types).
  • The Base Unit column shows the department where the employee worked in the accounting period.
  • The Amount (Cur of Doc) presents the amount of specific base accrual in the currency of document, while the Amount (Cur of Base) presents the amount in the currency of the base accrual.