To actually use this functionality for any new warehouse, when creating a warehouse, on the Warehouses> Master Data > Warehouses form select the Use Bin Locations option for this warehouse. To enable or disable this functionality for an existing warehouse, you will need to delete all the associated transactions if there are any.
Note. Tracking of locations is supported only for warehouses, and not supported for structural (base) units of other types such as departments.
Once the functionality is enabled for a particular warehouse, you can define a structure of bin locations (or cells) for this warehouse. For this, click the Bin Locations link the Bin Locations link on the top of the Warehouse form the Warehouse form with this warehouse master record open.
The Warehouse (create) form, the Bin Locations list
To add a new storage location, click the Create button on the toolbar. This opens the following dialog box.
The Bin Location (create) dialog box
If different items listed in a document will be stocked in different locations, you can move the Cell field from the Main tab of this document to the Inventory tab as a column by using the Settings button on the toolbar. Then, you will be able to specify different locations for different items (document lines). Notice that you can select only one cell for the line.
Multiple Bin Locations in a document
On document posting, FirstBIT ERP checks the quantity of the item that is registered for the cell, and, if it's less than the quantity specified in the document, displays the warning in the document which is not posted as a result.
The issuing document with warning