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The following field is required: GL Account in Production.

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Accounting parameters of the materials in the production (create) form


In the GL Account in Production field you can select the account is intended for recording the costs of work in progress (unfinished goods).

The toolbar buttons

Click Save and Close to save the item default parameters or changes to such parameters. Click Close to close the form without saving.

Anchor_Toc44949164_Toc44949164 2.17.1. Adding an Employee
On the Employees (create) form, some fields appear only if the Enable the HR and Payroll module option is selected on the Administration > Settings > HR and Payroll Module form.
There are two required fields: Individual and Full Name.
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The "Employees (create)" form.
If the employee is included in a specific group, select this group in the Folder field.
<Auto> in the Code field indicates that the system will assign a unique code to the new employee record once you save it. As this code may be used as the employee ID in the application as well in paper documents, you can edit it if needed.
Use the Employment Type toggle to select the employment type:

  • Main Work Place: To indicate that this employee works only for this company.
  • Additional Work Place: To indicate that this employee works not only for this company.


The toolbar buttons


Available links


  • Main: To access the form where the main information about employee is available.
  • Employee GL Accounts: To access and edit the list of GL accounts that will be used by default for transactions related to the employee.
  • Accruals and Deductions Plan: To view the accruals and deductions used for the employee.
  • Bank Accounts: To view the list of bank accounts associated with the employee.
  • Employments: To view all the employment contracts and contract changes associated with this employee.

Anchor_Toc44949165_Toc44949165 2.17.2. Adding a group of employees
In the Description field, enter the group description. If the created group is a subgroup or a part of another group, specify the parent group in the Folder field.
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The "Employees (Create folder)" dialog box
Click Save to save the group. Click Save and close to save the group and close the dialog box.
Click the Edit GL Accounts button on the toolbar to review the GL accounts assigned to the group. (Alternatively, click the Employee GL Accounts link in the dialog box.) This opens the Employee GL Accounts dialog box.
Note. Initially, the fields are populated with the default GL accounts for all employees. To access these default accounts, click the Employee GL Accounts link on the top of the Employees list—this opens the Employee GL Accounts form. The default accounts are listed in the first table row for which in the Employee column there is no name.
If you need to use specific GL accounts for employees of this group, edit the accounts listed in this dialog box.
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The Employee GL Accounts dialog box
In the Human Resources field, you can select a liability account to be used for recording unpaid compensation amounts due for this group of employees. The corresponding expense accounts are associated with the accrual and deduction types assigned to the employees of the group.
In the Prepaid Business Expenses field, select an asset GL account to be used for recording advances to the group of employees for paying their business expenses.
In the Unpaid Business Expenses field, select a liability GL account to be used for recording unpaid employee expenses in cases the expense report amounts exceed the respective advance amounts.
In the Loan field, select an asset GL account to be used for registering loans provided to the group of employees.
In the Interest on Loan field, select an income account to be used for registering interest on loans provided to the group of employees.
In the End-of-Service Benefits Provisions field, select a liability GL account to be used for accruing the amounts of end-of-service benefits available to this group of employees.
In the End-of-Service Benefits Expenses field, select an expense GL account to be used for recording the monthly expenses associated with end-of-service benefits accrued for this group of employees.
Click the Save and close button to save the changes to default accounts and close the dialog box or Close to cancel the changes and close the dialog box.
The assigned accounts will be used as default accounts in documents for all employees of this group.