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To add a new inventory transfer document, click the "Create" button on the toolbar of the respective document list. To edit the existing one, double click the line with its name. You can also select the line, press the "More" button (in the upper right corner) and click "Edit" in the drop-down list. You can right-click the line instead of clicking the "More" button.

Please complete the required Sender, Recipient, Transaction Type, Entity fields.

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'Inventory Transfer' (create) form. The 'Main' tab

Sender is the warehouse or department, which the transfer is sent from. It is selected from the Warehouses or Departments catalogs.

Recipient is the warehouse or department, which the transfer is sent to. It is selected from the Warehouses or Departments catalogs and depends on the warehouse or production department, where you transfer the inventory.

The Cell field is displayed, if a cell warehouse is selected for inventory transfer. The cell warehouse can be used if "Inventory accounting at warehouse by cells" option in the "Purchases" section is enabled. To learn more about section options, see par. Settings for the 'Purchase' section.

The Customer Order field is filled in, if the transfer is created for the defined customer order.

Number The Main tab provides general information on an Inventory Transfer document.

If you are manually creating this document, in the Transaction Type field, select Transfer—this enables the fields appropriate for this transaction type on the form.

The required fields on this tab are: SenderRecipientTransaction Type, and Entity.

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The "Inventory Transfer (create)" form. The Main tab

In the Sender field, you can select a warehouse or department from which the items will be transferred. It is selected from the Base Units lists.

The Bin Location (Cell) field is available if the Enable Bin Locations option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form and if the Use Bin Locations option is selected for the sender warehouse.

Select the bin location  which stores the items (to be transferred) in the sender warehouse.

In the Recipient field, select the warehouse or department, which is the destination for the transferred items.

The Bin Location (Cell) field is available for the destination warehouse if the Use Bin Locations option is selected for this warehouse. Select the bin location in the destination warehouse which would store the transferred items. If you need to transfer items to multiple cells, you can move the Bin Location field to the Inventory tab where it will appear as a table column. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar (for more information, see Document Toolbar).

<Auto> in the Number field indicates that a number for this document is assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can change itselect another date, if necessary.

Current date is set in a transfer document by default. You can change it, if necessary.

In the Transaction Type field please select "Move". 


In the Basis field you can manually select "Production Order", "Invoice Received", "Receipt Order" or "Production". It may also be filled in automatically, if the transfer document is based on one of these documents.

In the Comment field you can specifysome additional informationIn the Entity field, select the legal entity of your company which is responsible for this transfer. The Entity field is available if the Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on the Administration > Settings > General Settings form. The default entity for all users can be selected on the General Settings form. Also, you can specify your personal default entity, for details refer to Personal Settings.

The Basis field is populated automatically, if this transfer was generated on the basis of a document of one of the following types:  Invoice Received, Goods Receipt Note, Requisition, Production Order, or Production. If needed, you can manually select the basis document from the list of documents of these types (for this, click Show all from the drop-down list). Click the Fill by basis (Image Added) button to copy the data from the basis to this Inventory Transfer. If, after you edited the document, you want to cancel the edits, click the Fill by Basis button – the details from the basis document will be copied to the  Inventory Transfer.

The Customer Order field is populated automatically if the Inventory Transfer was created based on a Customer Order. If the transfer should include items from multiple Customer Orders, you can move the Customer Order field from the Main tab as a column to the table on the Inventory tab. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar (for more information, see Document Toolbar).

The Requisition field is available if the Enable Requisitions option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form.  The field is populated automatically if the Inventory Transfer was created based on a Requisition. If the transfer should include items from multiple Requisitions, you can move the Requisition field from the Main tab as a column to the table on the Inventory tab. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar.

 The Transfer Order field is populated automatically if the Inventory Transfer was created based on a Transfer Order. Click the Fill by order (Image Added) button to copy the data from the Transfer Order to this Inventory Transfer. If the transfer should include items from multiple Transfer Orders, you can move the Transfer Order field from the Main tab as a column to the table on the Inventory tab. For this, use the Settings button on the toolbar.

Use the Pass Through Customs check box to indicate that the goods listed in this document are to be transferred from the location in free zone to the location in Mainland.

In the Comment text box, you can enter any additional information about this document.

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to save and post the document without closing it or Post and close to save, post, and close the document.

Use the Generate button to create a document based on this  Inventory Transfer.

Use the Settings button to change the position in document of the following fields: Cell (Bin Location), Customer Order, Transfer Order,and Requisition.

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The Document Settings dialog box

Once you are done with option selection, click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box or Cancel to close the dialog box without any changes to the settings.

For other button descriptions, see Document Toolbar.