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The Employee Business Expenses tab becomes available once the Employee Business Expenses option is selected on the Main tab.

Using this tab, you can enter the beginning balances of accounts intended for prepaid business expenses. Image Removed

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The Opening Balances Entering document. The Employee Business Expenses tab

To add a row, use the Add button.

The Employee column, you can use to select an employee who received cash for business expenses.

If the company owes cash to the employee, select the Overrun check box.

The Document column is the required one. If the Auto-generate Settlements Documents check box is selected on the Main tab, a document for the Document column will be auto-generated. as follows:


If the Auto-generate Settlements Documents check box is cleared on the Main tab, you have to select (create) a document manually in the Document column.

In the Amount (Cur.) column, specify the amount in the currency of the prepayment / unpaid expenses.

In the Currency column, select the currency selected for payments to this employee.

The Amount column is populated automatically in the accounting currency according to the exchange rate in effect on the document date.

The GL Accounts column contains the link to the GL Accounts: Employee dialog box using which you can view the GL accounts involved in the transaction. Image Removed

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The GL Accounts: Employee Name dialog box

In the Transaction Content column, provide a description of this beginning balance.

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to save, post the document without closing it or Post and close to save, post, and close the document.
For descriptions of other buttons, see Document Toolbar.