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On the Sick Leave Type (create) form, you can create a sick leave type to be used to calculate sick leave pay for employees.

Note. Before you start creating a new sick leave type, make sure that all the accrual and deduction types required for this sick leave type are defined on the HR and Payroll > Master Data > Accrual and Deduction Types form.

There are the following required fields on this form: Description, Work Time Type, Accrual Type, Accrued Earnings Type, and Daily Earning Calculation Method.

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The "Sick Leave Type (create)" form

In the Description field, provide a brief description of the sick leave type.

<Auto> in the Code field indicates, that the system will assign a unique code to the sick leave type on first saving; the code is editable.

In the Accrual Type field, select an accrual type to be used as the basis for calculating sick leave pay. As the calculation method, you can select one of

In the Work Time Type field, select how sick leave days will be designated in Time Sheets.

In the Accrual Type field, select an accrual (earning) type defined for this type of sick leave on the Accrual and Deduction Types form. Note. Before you select the accrual (earning) type, make sure that it includes all the accrual (earning) types that are used for sick leave pay calculation for the employees to whom sick leave of this type is allowed. Generally, an accrual type intended for sick leaves may include such accrual types as Salary, Overtime, and Accommodation. 

In the Accrued Earnings Type field, select the type of earnings to be used for calculation of average daily earning from the following options:

  • By Basic Salary: To calculate the sick pay amount based on the amounts of basic accruals, as specified in the Employment Contract document and its changes.
  • By Average Earning: To calculate the sick pay amount based on the average daily amount earned during the specified number of months before the sick leave start date. Notice that only the accruals listed both in the sick leave base and contract can be used for calculating the average daily earnings.Planned Earnings: Calculations will be based on the accrual (earning) types, such as salary, accommodation, listed in the Employment Contracts or its later changes and in the Vacation Accrual Type. The averaging period is 1 month.
  • Actual Earnings: Calculations will be based on actual earnings received during the specified number of months for averaging. With this option selected, the Averaging Period field appears, and you can specify the number of months (preceding the time of sick leave) to be used for averaging.

Use the Daily Earning Calculation Method to select the method for calculation of the average daily earning:

  • By Average Number of Days per Month: The amount of earnings (planned) will be deleted by the average number of days per month, which is 30.  Also, you need to specify the number to be used as the Average Number of Days per Month in the field that appears below.  Notice that with this method selected, the first employment month will be not be included in any sick leave calculations if the employment start date is later than the 1st day of the month.
  • By Number of Calendar Days: The amount of earnings (planned or actual) will be deleted by the number of calendar days in the specified averaging period.
  • By Number of Working Days: The amount of earnings (planned or actual) will be deleted by the number of working days in the specified averaging period.

In the Average Number of Days per Month field (appears if the Average Number of Days per Month option is selected as the calculation method), you need to enter the number to be used as the average number of days per month for this calculation method. 

Then, create a list of intervals by selecting them from the Sick Leave Intervals list. 

Note. The intervals for the sick leave type must not overlap each other, and there must be no gaps between intervals. If there is any gap or an added interval overlaps the previous interval, the system will not allow to save this sick leave type.

For each interval, in the Rate column, specify the coefficient to be used to multiply the daily salary for the sick pay calculation.

For example, you create a Basic Sick Leave that is calculated based on the basic salary. For the first 15 days of sick leave, 100 % of the basis is payable; for the next 30 days (16–45 days), only 50 % of daily salary daily salary is payable, and sick leaves after the 45-th day are not paid. For this example, we need to define the intervals as follows: 



Start Day

End Day



1 -









8 -












15 -
















Toolbar buttons

Click the Save button to save the new record or the Save and close button to save the record and close the form.