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This tab is used for setting lists the item accounting options. It is unavailable for the ‘Job Type’ item parameters. This tab in not available for items of the Job Type type. Image Removed

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Items The Item (create) form. The ‘Accounting Parameters’ Accounting Parameters tab

The specified In the Business Activity is used to record  field, select an activity to which the item is related—then, the profit from sales for of this item, its cost, and its production cost . You can select it from the Business Activities catalog.will be associated with the specified business activity. The system will use it in the documents for this item. To make this field visible, enable the ‘Accounting by several business activities (two or more)’ option in the ‘Enterprise’ section (to learn more about the section settings, see par. Settings for the 'Enterprise' section). To open the ‘Business Activities’ catalog, click the ‘Show all’ hyperlink from the drop-down list. If the necessary business activity has not been added yet, you can create it by pressing the ‘Create’ button on the toolbar of the displayed catalog or by pressing the Image Removed button in the same drop-down list. To edit the selected business activity, press the Image Removed button located to the right of the field. To apply the changes, press the ‘Save and close’ or ‘Save’ button.

The VAT is selected from the ‘VAT Rate’ catalog. The system will also use it in the documents for this item. To make this field visible, enable the ‘Use VAT Accounting’ option in the ‘Enterprise’ section (to learn more about the section settings, see par. Settings for the 'Enterprise' section). You can access the catalog, add and edit the rate by following the same steps as with the business activity.

Use Write Off Method to set the write off method for a specific good. Please note that this attribute will be taken into account only if the ‘Combined’ write off method is selected for the entity. If the ‘By Average’ or ‘FIFO’ write off method is selected, this item and the rest of the items will be written off using ‘By Average’ or ‘FIFO’ accordingly (to learn more about write off methods for goods and materials, please see par. Create and edit entity. The 'Accounting Parameters' tab).

Use the Use Characteristics option to specify additional attributes of goods such as color, dimensions, power, etc. By completing them you can, for instance, see which armchairs are sold better: red or blue. You can search the electric appliances in the warehouse with the plug for local sockets or set higher prices for the smartphones of popular color. To make this field visible, enable the ‘Keep inventory accounting by characteristics’ option in the ‘Purchases’ section (to learn more about the section settings, see par. Settings for the 'Purchases' section). The characteristics are created in a respective catalog. To access the catalog, please click the ‘More...’ hyperlink on the toolbar above and select ‘Characteristics’ from the displayed list

The VAT Rate field is available if the VAT Accounting option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Taxes form. In the VAT Rate field, select the VAT rate appropriate for this item; the rates are listed in the VAT Rates master data. The system will apply the selected rate for VAT calculation for this item in documents. The VAT Exempt and 0 % options appear for selection if the Tracking of Zero-Rated and VAT-Exempt Purchases option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Taxes  form. The Out of Scope option appears in the list if one of the Tracking of Out-of-Scope Sales or Tracking of Out-of-Scope Purchases options or both are selected on the Administration > Settings > Taxes  form. 

In the Default Customs Duty Rate field, select the rate used by customs for this item if it is being imported.

Select the Use Characteristics option to indicate that for this item additional characteristics will be used such as color, size, fabric, and so forth. This option is available only if the Enable Characteristics option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form (for more information on characteristics, refer to Settings: Purchasing and Warehouses. To add characteristics for the item, click the Characteristics link above the form toolbar. If the item has been already used in some documentsany document, you cannot enable/disable the option (in this case you will see the locked padlock next to the attributes).Use the Use Batches option for inventory accounting by batches, i.e. batches of the same inventory can be accounted in the warehouse separately. Please note that the item batch is not the same as asset recognition document and is not used to determine the cost of writing off inventories using FIFO write off method. To make this field visible, enable the ‘Keep inventory accounting by batches’ option in the ‘Purchases’ section (to learn more about the section settings, see par. Settings for the 'Purchases' section). The batches are created in a respective catalog. You can access this catalog by following the same steps as for the characteristics (see previous paragraph)remove this functionality.

Select the Use Batches option for the item if different batches of the item have different expiration dates and should be tracked individually. This option is available only if the Batch Tracking option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form (for more information on batches, refer to Settings: Purchasing and Warehouses

You can access the list of batches by clicking the Batches link above the toolbar. If the item has been already used in some documents, you cannot enable/disable the option (in this case you will see the locked padlock next to the attributes).change the option.

Select the Use Serial Numbers field to indicate that for this item you will need to specify a serial number for each unit of this item. This option is available only if the Serial Number Tracking option is selected on the Administration > Settings > Purchasing and Warehouses form (for more information on characteristics, refer to Settings: Purchasing and Warehouses