In case when system shows error about issue with creating new elements in standard system catalogs - for example Items - user need to check option Create object in Filelds Tab of Excel Import Template (2. Fields tab):
This option needs to be marked for that strings whrer it will be possible to add new elements with loading data procedure.
For example, if user needs to import data into Invoice Document's Inventory and Expenses tab and it is assumed that it is possible to load data on items that were not previously entered into Items catalog - this option Create objects have to be marked. Otherwise the system will not be able to load data from lines where an item is entered that is not in the corresponding system directory and show warning notificationPlease check in the template that you use to download data, filling out the column create Object, and additionally make sure that the elements of catalog are already created in the system (for example, items).
To verify the proper functioning of the data loading mechanism: