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The This addon from the Asset Management module allows enables you to account for using the fixed assets through their useful life, from their purchase or construction to sale or disposal.  If the company has various types of fixed assets, you can enable and use Non-Current Asset Classes. You can easily set up depreciation process for each fixed asset to track how the costs its cost decreases over its useful lives. You can use the following depreciation methods: Straight Line and or Units of Production.

If you select the Enable Capital Improvements to Fixed Assets functional option, you will be enabled to register any costs incurred while improvements are in the process of improvements being made to specific fixed assets and then to revise accordingly their useful lives and gross costs. For more information, see Overview of Fixed Asset Accounting

Master Data

You can create master records of for items purchased for usage as fixed assets, for fixed assets, and for custom statuses of fixed assets.

Fixed Asset Documents

Using documents in this module, you can register new fixed assets , based on purchased or constructeditems, select the for them depreciation method methods, and specify the depreciation parameters.  With other documents, you can calculate the depreciation, change the depreciation parameters when it is needed, register the sales, or write off the fixed assets. In case of capital improvements made to specific fixed assets, you can calculate their new costs, revise their depreciation parameters, and estimate the cost of replaced parts (extracted items).

Reports of Asset Management

Reports can provide you with necessary information on depreciation process, costs changes as the result of capital improvements made to fixed assets.