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On the form, there are two required fields: Description and Type (Accrual or Deduction).

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The "Accrual (Deduction) Type (create)" form


Then select whether this new accrual or deduction type is Accrual or Deduction by using the respective radio buttons. In payroll calculation, any amount  any amounts of the Accrual type will be added to the payment amount payable to employees, while any amount amounts of the Deduction type will be deducted from the payment payable amount.

Select the Has a Base option if accruals or deductions of this type will be used for calculation of vacations and sick leave of various types which are based on accruals or deductions of other types designating salary, wages, and other types of compensations (for details refer to Defining a base section below).

Select the Use for WPS option, if this accrual or deduction type will be used for payments via the Wages Protection System. With the Use for WPS check box selected, choose whether this accrual or deduction will be used each month (the Fixed radio button) or sometimes (the Variable radio button). For example, the fixed part of the pay can include salary, while the variable part can include bonuses, payments for overtime, sick leaves and vacations.

If you select Variable, in the Variable Amount Type field you must select the type of variable payments from the following options:

  • Housing Allowance for compensation for the residence accommodations.
  • Conveyance Allowance for compensation for the travel of an employee from the residence to and from the workplace.
  • Medical Allowance for reimbursement of possible medical expenses.
  • Annual Passage Allowance for taxable amount paid at the end of each annual cycle to reimburse the employee's travel tickets to the home country or vacation destination.
  • Overtime Allowances  for amounts paid for overtime work carried out in excess of the normal work hours and at a higher rate.
  • Leave Encashment for compensation for unused vacations.
  • All Other Allowances for any other type of compensation.

Select the Use in End-of-Service Benefit Calculation option if accruals or deductions of this type will be included in the base for end-of-service benefit calculations.

In the Additional information text box, you can provide any details on using this accrual or deduction type.

In the Formula field , (which is available if the Has a Base check box is cleared) you can create a formula for the new accrual or deduction type (refer to the Creating a formula section below).


. Click Image Added button to the right of the Formula field to open the Edit Calculation Formula dialog box. For more information, refer to The Edit Calculation Formula dialog box section below.

The Basic Accruals (Deductions) pane

The Basic Accruals (Deductions) pane appears if you click the Has a Base check box. Here, you can define the new accrual or deduction type as based on another accrual or deduction types.

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The "Accrual (Deduction) Type (create)" form with the Has a Base option selected

In the Base Accruals (Deductions) table, select the accrual and deduction types to used as the base and specify a rate for each type in the Rate column. For instance, to calculate vacation pay you may need to use the Basic Salary accrual type.

The toolbar buttons

Click Save to save the accrual or deduction type or the changes to the existing type or Save and close to save and close the form.

To view or replace the default GL accounts assigned to this accrual or deduction type, click the Edit GL Accounts button. The Edit GL Account dialog box opens, and you can view the GL expense account assigned to the accrual or deduction type.

Image Added
The GL Account Edit form for an accrual or deduction type

The default account that appears in the Expense GL Account field was set on the Employee. Default GL Accounts form. However, you can replace this expense account here with another expense account if needed.

To apply account change to the accrual or deduction type, click the OK button. To keep the default account selection, click Cancel.

For description of other buttons, refer to List toolbar.

The Edit Calculation Formula dialog box

You can create a formula for calculating the accrual or deduction amounts of the type if you clickbutton next to the Formula field (available if the Has a Base check box is cleared).This opens the Edit Calculation Formula form.

In the Formula field, create the formula by adding parameters (from the list below) and mathematical operations.

You can enter mathematical operations (addition, deduction, multiplication, division) manually from the keyboard. If you need new parameters (not listed in the table), use the Calculation Parameters form to define them.

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The Edit Calculation Formula form


Click OK to save the formula.

Defining a base

With the Has a Base option selected, you can define the new accrual or deduction type as based on another accrual or deduction type.

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The "Accrual (Deduction) Type (create)" form with the Has a Base option selected

In the Base Accruals (Deductions) table, select the accrual and deduction types to used as the base and specify a rate for each type in the Rate column. For instance, to calculate vacation pay you may need to use the Basic Salary accrual type.

The toolbar buttons

Click Save to save the accrual or deduction type or the changes to the existing type or Save and close to save and close the form.

To view or replace the default GL accounts assigned to this accrual or deduction type, click the Edit GL Accounts button. The Edit GL Account dialog box opens, and you can view the GL expense account assigned to the accrual or deduction type.

Image Removed
The GL Account Edit form for an accrual or deduction type

The default account that appears in the Expense GL Account field was set on the Employee Default GL Accounts form. However, you can replace this expense account here with another expense account if needed.

To apply account change to the accrual or deduction type, click the OK button. To keep the default account selection, click Cancel.


The GL Account Edit form for an accrual or deduction type

The default account that appears in the Expense GL Account field is set on the Employee Default GL Accounts form. However, you can replace this expense account here with another expense account if needed. 

To apply account change to the accrual or deduction type, click the OK button. To keep the current default GL account, click Cancel. 

For description of other buttons, refer to List toolbar.