The list of Purchase Order includes all the purchase orders available in the system. If you don't see a specific document, rearrange the list by date or document number or use the Search field to locate the document by a string in its description, company name, or contract number. You can change the list display settings to suit your particular needs. To learn more about the list display settings, see Working with the item list.
Notice a panel to the right of the list that shows information on the company selected in the list.
- Invoice Received: To register the purchase of goods and services resulting in a financial liability to the supplier.
- Goods Receipt Note: To register receiving of purchased items to a warehouse for which the Separate Financial and Warehouse Documents option is selected on the Settings: Purchasing and Warehouses form.
- Debit Note: To register the return of the goods received on the purchase order.
- Money Payment (Plan): To plan the payment for the this order.
- Cash Payment: To create a cash payment to the supplier.
- Bank Payment: To create a bank payment to the supplier.
- Cheque Issued: To create a cheque as a payment to the supplier.
- Purchase Order Adjustment: To make changes to the order if the goods were not received or were received partially.
- Purchasing Payment Terms Adjustment: To make changes to the payment terms that were used for the order.
- Subcontractor Report: If the order was intended for subcontractor processing, and the subcontractor completed it.
If you need to print the selected document, send it by email, or perform other operations, refer to List Toolbar.
Using the Reports button, you can generate the related reports: