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To add a new purchase order, click the "Create" button on the toolbar of the respective document list. To edit an existing order, double click the line with its name. You can also select the line, click the "More" button (in the upper right corner) and click "Edit" in the drop-down list. You can right-click the line instead of clicking the "More" button.

Please complete the required You can use this form to create a new Purchase Order.

On the Main tab, the following fields are required: Company, Contract, Delivery Date, and Entity fields.

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The '"Purchase Order (create)' " form. The ' Main ' tabCompany is tab

<Auto> in the Number field indicates that an internal number for this document is assigned automatically when you save the document. The From field is populated automatically with the current business date. You can select another date, if necessary.

In the Entity field, select an entity of your company which is responsible for the document. The Entity field is available if the Multi-Company Accounting option is selected on: Administration > Settings > General Settings. You can select your personal default entity to appear in documents; for this, refer to Personal Settings. If you have not selected your default entity, the entity defined first will be used as the system default value.

In the Company field, you can select an individual or a legal entity for from whom the purchase order is created. Select it from the Companies catalogYou want to purchase some goods or services.

The Contract field is completed automatically for populated automatically with the default contract of the selected company. If necessary, you can change it by selecting the contract from the Company's Contracts catalog (to open the catalog, select "Show all" from the drop-down list)select another one.

The Customer Order field is filled in populated automatically or manually with the customer order , which the if this purchase order was is based on it. To refill populate the purchase order by the changed custom with the data from thecustomer order, click the "Fill by basis" Image Removed Fill ( Image Added ) button.You can link a purchase order with a project from

the "Projects" catalog if the "Project Management" section is enabled(to find a project, start typing its name or code in the field). To open a catalog, click the "Show all" hyperlink in The Basis field is filled automatically, if the purchase order is based on a document of the following types: Production Order or Quotation. It may be populated automatically if the order is based on any of these documents. You can manually select the basis document from the list (for this, click Show all from the drop-down list).

You can add the "Project" column to the "Inventory and Services" table and specify the value for each row, if necessary. Click the Setting button on the document toolbar and switch the project position in the purchase order to the tabular part. You can save this user setting by clicking "Keep Choice" in the displayed form. From this moment the system will automatically switch the "Project" column to the "Inventory and Services" table, when creating new orders.

The Validation From and To fields are filled in, if you want to limit the period of purchase order validity.

The planned date of the inventory and services receipt is specified in the Delivery Date field. You can add the delivery date column to the "Inventory and Services" table and specify the value for each row. Click the Setting button on the document toolbar and switch the project position to the tabular part. You can save this user setting by clicking "Keep Choice" in the displayed form. From this moment the system will use it, when creating new orders.

Number is assigned automatically when you save the document. You can change it, if necessary.

Current date is set in a purchase order by default. You can change it, if necessary.


In the Basis field you can manually select "Quotation" or "Production Order". It may also be filled in automatically, if the order s based on one of these documents.

In the Comment field you can specifysome link this order with a project from the Projects list if the Project Management functionality is turned on the Administration > Settings > General Settings. If the items in this document are being purchased for different projects, and you need to specify different projects for different items, you can move the Project field from the Main tab as a column to the table on the Inventory tab. For this, use the Setting button on the toolbar (for more information, see Document Toolbar).

In the Comment text box, you can enter some additional information.

Notice the hyperlink below the Basis field – USD=3.65AED* WM-Service Limited on the screenshot above (can be different in your document). The currency of the purchase order is determined according to the selected contract. To use other currency in the document, select another contract, or create a new one, if necessary. Click the hyperlink to change the price-related settings for the document. For details, see The Prices and Currency dialog box (Purchasing).

Use the Validate From and To fields if you want to restrict the interval during which this purchase order is valid.

In the Delivery Date field, you can specify the planned date of the inventory and services delivery.

In the Comment text box, you can provide any additional information.

In the Status field, the current status of a this document is displayedshown. By default, a document may have one of the following 3 statuses: "In process", "Completed" and "Canceled". If necessary, this list can be expanded, enabling the Use several purchase orders statuses option in the "Purchases" section. To learn more about section options, see par.Settings for the 'Purchases' section

Currency of a purchase order is defined according to the supplier's contract and cannot be changed in the document. To create a document with a different currency, select another contract, or create a new one, if necessary. To learn more about contracts, see par. Filling Company's Contracts Catalog.

You can change a document's price type, discounts/markups type, currency and tax parameters by clicking the hyperlink indicating currency and price typeIn Process, Completed, or Canceled.

The document totals and other Information

At the bottom of the form, the Total Due field shows the document total on the ordered goods and services and the VAT field shows the VAT total on the purchases..

Also, at the bottom of the form, you can view who created this document and the current status of the document; it can be one of the following:

  • New (document was created, but not recorded to the database)
  • Not Posted (document was recorded, but not posted)
  • Posted (document was posted)
  • Marked for Deletion (document was marked to be deleted)

The toolbar buttons

After filling out the tab, click the Save button to save your work. After filling out all the tabs, click Post to post the document without closing it or Post and close to post and close the document. For other button descriptions, see Document Toolbar.

Using the Generate button, you can generate documents of the following types for the purchase order:

  • Invoice Received: To register the purchase of goods and services resulting in a financial liability to the supplier.
  • Goods Receipt Note: To register receiving of purchased items to a warehouse for which the Separate Financial and Warehouse Documents option is selected on the Settings: Purchasing and Warehouses form.
  • Debit Note: To register the return of the goods received on the purchase order.
  • Money Payment (Plan): To plan the payment for the this order.
  • Cash Payment: To create a cash payment to the supplier.
  • Bank Payment: To create a bank payment to the supplier.
  • Cheque Issued: To create a cheque as a payment to the supplier.
  • Purchase Order Adjustment: To make changes to the order, if the goods were not received or were received partially.
  • Subcontractor Report: If the order was intended for subcontractor processing, and the subcontractor completed it.

All the details from this purchase order will be copied to the generated document.

You can use the Settings button to adjust the document properties as follows:

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The Document Settings dialog box

You can use the links on the top of the form to generate the following reports:

  • Consolidated Analysis by Order: To get information on partially or fully received, paid and unpaid orders listed by supplier.
  • Payment Analysis by Order: To view the list of purchase orders by supplier contract.
  • Statement of Mutual Settlements: To view the opening and closing AP balances (arranged by currency) for the selected period with details on purchase amounts, prepayments, and payments during this period.