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Using this form, you can add a master record for a new user.

The User (create) form. The Main tab

In the Full Name field, enter a user's full name. This field is the required one. This user's name will be used in printed documents.

The Non Valid check box indicates that the user master record is not valid anymore and all the access rights are revoked.

The Access to Infobase is Allowed check box indicates (if selected) that this user is granted access to the information database, which means that this user is allowed to work with the application.

The Main tab

This tab allows you to set up user authentication.

Use the Login field to specify the user's login (username) to be used for work in this application.

The 1C:Enterprise Authentication check box indicates that the user is allowed to access the application.

Use the Password field to enter the password for the user. Confirm the password by retyping it in the Password Confirmation field.

You can select the Show in list check box to include this user in drop-down lists of users, Clearing this check box results in removing this user from such lists. It is recommended that you clear the Show in List check box for any user with the Administrator profile.

The User cannot change password check box indicates (if selected) that this user is not allowed to change the password.

Alternatively, depending on the organization's policies, you can select which login the user will be able to use for work in the application: OS Authentication or Open ID Authentication. With one of these check boxes selected, you will be able to select the username (login) of the user used for respective authentication.

Then, the user will be able to log in to this application using the login for operation system or OpenID.

Use the Application Interface Language field to select the language to be used for the user interface when the user logs in to the application..

The Contact Information tab

On this tab, in the Phone field you can enter a phone number of the user.

In the Email field, you can enter the email address of the user.

The User (create) form. The Contact Information tab

The Comment tab

On this tab, you can provide any comments to this master record in the text box (up to 400 alphanumeric characters).

The User (create) form. The Main tab

The toolbar buttons

Click the Save button to save the new user master record or the Save and close button to save the user record and close the form.

The Access Rights button opens the User: Access Rights form which you can use for assigning a role or multiple roles to this user. For details, see [Ошибка! Недопустимый объект гиперссылки.. see 

Available links

You can use the following links available on the form to provide more information about the entity:

  • Email Signature: To view or specify the signature to be used on behalf of this user in printed documents.
  • Employees of the User: To view a list of employees created for the person with this username.
  • Personal Settings: To set up and view personal settings used by the user in his or her work. For details, see Personal Settings.