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To add an item, press the ‘Create’ button on the toolbar of the respective catalog. To edit the existing one, double click the line with its name. You can also select the line, press the ‘More’ button (in the upper right corner) and click ‘Edit’ in the drop-down list. You can right-click the line instead of pressing the ‘More’ button.

Please complete the required fields (Description, Category, Unit of Measure) and select the item type (‘Inventory Item’, ‘Service’, ‘Set’, etc.).

The Description will be displayed in the system interface and in the drop-down lists. If you need to fill the documents, in addition to the description, you can search the necessary item by its SKU and Code. It is recommended to fill in the Full Description as it is automatically included in the documents print forms. Otherwise, the text from the ‘Description’ field will be inserted here when you click the ‘Save’ button.

To classify the goods by types (for statistics details), choose different Categories for them. You can select the category from the ‘Items Categories’ catalog where only the ‘Main group’ is preset. All the T

Using this form, you can provide all the necessary information about items which are purchased or produced by your organizations, stocked at warehouses, sold to customers, issued or received for processing or consignment sales.

The following fields are required: Description, Category, Unit of Measure, and Item Type.

Image Added
The Item (create) form. The Main Parameters tab

First of all, you need to select the type of the item from the following options:

Inventory Item: If the item belongs to goods or materials
Service: If the item is a service
Set: If the item is a set of multiple items
Operation: If the item is an operation or action required for performing works, providing services, manufacturing products
Work: If the item is an operation required in subcontract processing
Job Type: if this is a standard type of subcontract work with a fixed amount

For specific item types, specific fields will become available.

In the Folder field, you can specify a folder to keep the item's master record with similar records. You can select an existing folder or create a new one. If the necessary folder has not been added yet, you can click Create Group on the toolbar to create a new group or click the Add Image Added button in the drop-down list.

Provide a brief description of the item in the Description field and more complete description in the Full Description field. The brief description will be displayed on the system interface and in drop-down lists for item selection. Full description will be used in documents on printing.

Additionally in the SKU field, specify the item' stock-keeping unit (SKU) , a scannable bar code. Then, you will be able to search the necessary item by its SKU.

<Auto> in the Code field indicates that an ID for this item is assigned automatically when you save the master record.

To categorize the goods by categories, create and select categories for the them. In the Category field, select the appropriate category for the item. Only one category, Main, is predefined. The items belong to this group by default. You can edit the


Main category or create other categories



Using the Manufacturer field, specify the manufacturer of the goods. This information will be used for collecting the data by manufacturer in reports.

In the HS Code field, select the appropriate code for the item.

In the Country of Origin field, you can select the country from the World's countries list that includes all currently existing countries. This information about items can be used in analysis.

You can use the Price Group field to assign a price group to the item. You can provide discounts and price markups for the group of goods instead of assigning them to each.

In the Unit of Measure field select the UOM to measure the quantity of the item. You can select it from the UOM


master data. The selected unit of measure will be used by default when selecting this item in documents.

Item type is used for setting the rules of inventory and accounting. For example, the ‘Service’ type items are not subject to inventory. The item type defines fields and tabs to be displayed in the create form.

  • - ‘Inventory Item’ is a good or a material;
  • - ‘Service’ is a client service that does not result in manufacturing a new product: real estate selection, computer repair, haircut;
  • - ‘Set’ is a set of goods. For example, a set of rolls in a Japanese restaurant, a set of furniture;
  • - ‘Operation’ is part of the process (action or set of actions) for performing works, providing services, manufacturing products;
  • - ‘Work’ means manufacturing a new product under subcontract. For example, construction of a house, sewing clothes, etc.;
  • - ‘Job Type’ is a standard type of subcontract works with a fixed amount.

If you create an item and not edit it, press the ‘Save’ button after completing the required information. If you do not save the item, you won’t be able to complete the related catalogs and fields (for example, ‘Specification’ on the ‘Storage and Purchasing Parameters’ tab).

Image Removed

Items (create) form. The ‘Main Parameters’ tab

If an item is a part of a certain group, please specify it in the Folder field (to open the catalog for selection, click the ‘Show all’ hyperlink in the drop-down list). If the necessary folder has not been added yet, you can create it by pressing the ‘Create Group’ on the toolbar of the displayed catalog or by pressing the Image Removed button in the same drop-down list.

We recommend adding SKU as you can use it for searching the item in the drop-down lists.

Manufacturer is used to display statistics in the reports by manufacturer. Select the text for the field from the respective catalog.

Country of Origin also adds in the reports an additional characteristic that can be used for analysis. You can select it from the ‘World countries’ catalog that includes all modern countries.

Price Group can be used for flexible pricing. You can provide discounts and price markups for the entire group of goods instead of applying them one by one. It is used in the Price List report.

Net Weight is used for the weight without package indication.

In the Package Set field can be any package for shipping and delivering your goods to the warehouse. You can create items, indicate their dimensions and relate them to each other in the respective catalog. For example, the ‘Container’ package set can include 100 sets named ‘Box’.

The Processing Time (Days) is used for specifying the period required to process the customer order for this item.

For the item types ‘Inventory Item’ and ‘Set’ you can add an image by selecting it from the list of attached files.

To edit an item selected for any field, press the  button located to the right of the field. To apply the changes, press the ‘Save and close’ or ‘Save’ button in the displayed editing form.

Image Removed


Optionally, in the Package Set field, you can select the package that can hold this item for shipping or delivery. For each package box, you can specify its dimensions and the weight it can hold.

In the Net Weight field, specify the net weight of the item (without any packaging materials).

if the item is generally subject to processing, in the Processing Time (days) field, enter the number of days required for processing the customer order for this item.

For the Inventory Item and Set item types, you can add an image by attaching a file with the image.

The toolbar buttons

Click the Save button to save the new item or the Save and close button to save the item and close the form.

Click the Items GL Accounts button to view the default GL accounts assigned to the item. If needed, you can replace some of all of the accounts. For details, refer to Adding an Item. Default GL Accounts.

The available links

The following links are available on the form:

  • Prices: Opens the list of items with all available prices. You can add new prices for the item.
  • Availability Analysis: Opens the Availability Analysis report for this item.
  • Sales: Opens the Sales by Company report for this item.
  • Stock Statement: Opens the Stock Statement report for this item.
  • UOM : Opens the list of UOMs that are used for this item.
  • Characteristics: Opens the list of item variations: color, size, fabric, and so forth. You can add new characteristics for the item.
  • Batches: Opens the list of batches that includes the item.
  • Specification: Opens the list of specifications available for the item.
  • Item Barcodes: Opens the list of barcodes available for the item.
  • Supplier Prices: Opens the list of prices available from suppliers.
  • Inventory Management: Opens the list of items with availability quantities.
  • Items GL Accounts: Opens the list of default GL accounts.
  • Accounting Parameters of Materials in Production: Opens the list of parameters of the Materials in Production
  • Serial Numbers: Opens the list of items with their serial numbers
  • Analogs: Opens the list of item analogs with the quantities