Tendering option can be enabled, it allows procurement department to tender, means they can get the prices for the items from various supplier, make comparison and can purchase each item from supplier whosoever will be selling them at cheaper price.
First, user must enable the option Use Tendering functionality from Administrator > Contracting settings 

Once this option is enabled, it add two more tabs with the existing one i.e. Supplier (Tendering) and Questions. 

 1. Supplier (Tendering)- this tab will have the below details
a. Supplier- companies to whom the requests are send for purchasing the item.

b. Contract- contract of the company

c. RFQ sent- Request for quotation box will be available as the supplier is added, once the document is posted, and ready to send the request, tick the boxes, it will show the date of sending the request.

d. RFQ response- a link of enter response will be available, it is available after the RFQ is send to the supplier.

when Enter response is selected, the price can be added as provided from the supplier and the answers for the questions can be added per supplier.

e. RFQ URL- it is a URL send to supplier where they can fill in the details of the price and add the answers to the questions themselves (This is available to respective customer only through customization), once they send the response, it will reflect in the database, this will help avoid manually entering the data in the RFQ response column. Once the response are received, the user can compare the prices using the link SELECT SUPPLIERS FOR ITEM

When the link is clicked, it will open a comparison form, with this overview, user can decide what is the best price per item, and can choose the supplier accordingly, to choose the minimal price at once, click the option Select minimal price. 

2- Questions-  In this tab, questions to the suppliers are added, in particularly like the delivery terms and payment terms which the company has for the suppliers.  Similarly like the prices, company can make comparison of the questions before finalizing the suppliers.

Once selected, apply selected need to be clicked. 

f) Purchase order- Once the minimal price is selected, GENERATE purchase order link is available, click on this link to create PURCHASE ORDERS. 

Be noted, once PO is created, no changes can be made to the supplier chosen.

 That's how the Requisition- RFQ is created in the base.

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