This manual is to make amendments on the default print forms like Addition and resizing of logo or spacing of columns or rows.

a) To Add logo

 Go to Administration > Service Tools > Print Form Templates:

2. Choose the Print Form you need to be edited:

3. Choose a field in the Template for editing. Follow the next steps:

4.  Click on Picture line > Add new item > Select from file > Select from disk > Choose a needful file > press Apply and OK:

Or you can use the below step i.e. Click on the dots > choose table > Click on Pictures > Select picture.

5.  Once done, click on cross mark to close the template, it will show a dialog box, to save changes, click on "YES"

6. Press Complete button:

b) Beside adding the Logo, you can resize it as required, drag the columns and rows as required but make sure to keep the logo within the red lines. 

Table > Names > Show Named Rows/Column-

Even when resize is done, the print template needs to be saved, using complete option.

c) If any additional text or font needs to be changed, it can be done in this template, just need to make sure the text is within the red lines and saved properly.

If any additional columns or fields need to be added, it will part of customization.

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