Problem: How to make a Fixed Assets entry without Add-on?

Solution: In order to enter Fixed Assets without adding, you need to do the following steps:

1. Create Invoices Received (Receipt From Supplier) - with the required details, record the item as an inventory:

2. Record Inventory write off to dispose of this inventory.
    Go to Warehouse > Stocktaking Documents > Inventory Write-Offs:

3. The inventory is written off to the Fixed Assets GL Account and appears in the Statement of Financial position:

4. To calculate the depreciation monthly, record other expense transactions. Path to open other expense documents is Accounting > Other Expenses:

Create Other Expenses  transactions with the following details:

5. Record the depreciation for every month manually (as an option, copy the same transaction and manually change the date):

6. After Other Expense transaction posting, the value of the Fixed Assets is reduced (refer to the below screenshot):


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