Problem: How to issue a sales document with a 10% customer commission deduction?
Solution: In order to issue a sales document with a 10% customer commission deduction, the following steps must be taken:

You should record the sale made by the entity.

Create a Customer Order document and generate a sales invoice based on that, or a direct Invoice can be created.

Based on the order, we generate a sales document, the order amount is 100,000 and so is the sales invoice.

Based on the sales document, we generate a document of receipt of funds to the bank, here we will record the amount without the commission paid, i.e. 90% of the amount i.e. 90,000.

Once the bank receipt is posted, check the statement of Mutual settlements, the balance for this transaction has been closed and reduced to 10,000.

The client's commission in the amount of 10% is deducted for expenses, to record this expense, you should record the Mutual settlement document from the accounting module.

Create a new document, and choose transaction type as Customer debt adjustment under transaction type.

Account- Select the expense account where this commission amount should reflect.

Fill in all the other fields as required.

In the accounts receivable tab, PICK the invoice document and make sure the right amount which needs to be transferred to expense should be added.

Once the above is done, check the report statement of Mutual settlement from Sales reports to see the final result of the above entry.

Thanks for being a FIRST BIT customer!

# issue sales documents

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