Problem: How to create Auto-Notifications for PDCs cheque?

Solution: As cheque is created with a clearance date, the database notifies the User that the cheque is not cleared on the specified date. 

A one-time setting should be done for such a process.

1. Go to Administration > Master Data > Notifications:

2. Open the required type of cheque, for example, Cheque expense clearing date, from the list of available notifications:

All the details are already filled, so apply changes as shown:

1) In the active option, make sure Enable is selected:

2) Create a schedule for notifying in the custom handler:

3) Once the form opens, go to the schedule tab and click on the Open scheduled and background jobs option to find all kinds of scheduled jobs:

4) Expand the description field and choose the required type i.e., custom handler Executing: cheque expense clearing date as selected in the beginning make sure enabled is selected in the main option.

Click on the schedule option to make the required changes. Here you can set the schedule to get the notification on daily, weekly or monthly basis:

For example, for daily notification, add the start date, end date and time when it should be repeated.

Once the schedule is set, press OK and click Save and close to save the schedule for this type of notification.

5) Go back to the Notification settings, reselect the custom handler so the changes are effected.

6) Go to the Receivers tab and choose the type of recipient i.e. user or users to receive the notification:

Choose the template (if there are more than one) and set the delivery settings:
  • Delivery by User notification, which means the notification will appear under the bell icon in the main toolbar,
  • Delivery by Pop-Up window, so a pop window appears giving the details of the list of cheques that are not cleared. I shall save this setting to show you a window pop-up.

3. As the required tabs are filled, save the details.

As the time is reached for the cheque (Clearance time/Date), the pop window will appear as per the settings.

The windows notification pop-up contains the document details such as the document number (as a link to the original document), description of the clearance date.

After notification receipt, either clear the cheque using the Clear cheque option or postpone the notification for a certain time.

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