Problem: How to add additional attributes in document?

Solution: Use system option Set of Additional Attributes and Information.

This option is available for users with full access (Administrator profile).
NOTE Not every attribute can be added as an additional field.

1. Go to Administration > Settings > Service Settings to enable an option Use Additional Attributes and Information:

2. Go to Administration > Master Data > Sets of Additional Attributes and Information:

3. Choose and open required document or catalog:

4. Press buttons Pick and Create additional attribute:

Additional attributes are an integral part of the document or catalog. They are stored in the object itself and can be displayed on its form. 
Additional information is not visible to all, but is stored in the information register and can be accessed by command from a directory or document item.

Create a new attribute with adding Description and choosing Value type.
If you need to add document's number, then choose String type:

Save it and close and add to list, then attribute appears in document's list:

Create one more attribute if required, then Save and close document:

5. Open edited document, Additional attributes appears at corresponding tab with saved format:

These additional attributes do not appear in print forms and should be customized to appear in default print forms.

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