Issue: How can you include a column for the purchase price per unit of goods in the Purchases by Companies Report?

Resolution: Utilize a user-defined field to compute the purchase price per unit, allowing for comparing costs across various suppliers.

1. Purchases by Companies report has Quantity and Amount of purchased goods:

In user mode, it's possible to calculate the purchase price per unit of goods and add this column to the report using the Change Report Variant option.

2. Open Change Report Variant go to the User fields tab and add the New expression field:

3. Add parameters of User field: name and formula as shown (copy formula to the bottom window as well):

User field appears:

4. Go to the Fields tab and add a created field to a table in the correct position:

5. Go to the Conditional appearance tab to add format for value:

In a new window, find Format tab and set its value:

Set Precision as 2 and save:

Also, it's possible to add background or font settings to outline calculated parameters:

On the Formatted Fields tab, add a created field:

Complete editing and generate a report:

6. To compare purchases of the same item by different suppliers, set a filter for each item:

Thank you for being a FirstBIT customer!                                                                                    #Average purchase price #Add new column in report #Amount divide by quantity

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