To populate Prices in Purchasing Documents automatically, please follow these steps:

1. Create Supplier Price Type for exact company:

See more information here Adding a Supplier Price Type

2. Create Supplier Prices Entering document and add prices for items:

See more information here 4.3.1. Supplier Prices Entering

3. Open Company Contract and add corresponding Supplier Price Type on Terms tab:

See more information here Adding a Company. Adding a Contract

NOTE The Currency of the Contract and Currency of the Supplier Price should be the same.
           In case, if they are different, in purchasing document prices are calculated automatically to the currency of the Contract.

4. Create a Purchasing Document (Purchase Order or Invoice Received), so prices are populated automatically according to Supplier Price Type and set Prices:

NOTE Choose Price Type via link manually to link corresponding Supplier Price Type in case if Company's Contract has no information about Price Type for Purchasing.

See more information here Purchase Orders (Order for Purchase)

                                   Invoices Received (Receipt From Supplier)

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