Import Exchange Rates from UAE CB in FirstBit Software
If you use Automatically Import Exchange Rates form UAE Central Bank website with custom schedule, you should know about current published rates to use actual ones.

Official rates of foreign currencies in relation to the UAE currency are published daily (on working days) by decree of the Bank of the UAE, which comes into force on the next calendar day after the day of publication and are valid until the next order of the UAE CB.
UAE CB updates exchange rates on official site daily after 6 p.m. but it begins to work only the next day.
 Weekends and holidays logic: on Friday, the UAE Central Bank sets the exchange rate for tomorrow, which is valid on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The current exchange rate is placed on the website of the Central Bank of the UAE along with information about the date and time of download.

 If it is used in First Bit system manually downloading a course before 18.00 of the current day, the system provides information about the current course.

Automatic loading of the current exchange rate from the UAE Central Bank official website to the FirstBIT internal service is performed daily with a frequency of once an hour, then the information is distributed across client databases using background jobs, the background jobs schedule for a specific database can be changed by its Administrator. 

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