A Project Revenue Analysis Report for contracting projects focuses on assessing the financial performance related to revenue generation. This type of report helps to understand how well the project is performing in terms of revenue compared to the expectations and contractual agreements.

The Project Revenue Analysis report is under Project Costing - Reports - Project Revenue Analysis.

Data can be filtered by Entity, Project, Task, and Status. To manage data overload, users can choose which fields to display in the Quick Settings panel, with all fields set to active by default.


The Project Revenue Analysis report pulls data from Accumulation Registers and Project Estimates, filtered by Project and Status.

It has three sections—Quantity, Price, and Amount—with each section showing Estimated, Actual, and Variance columns.

Users can view the details of a specific cell directly from the report by double-clicking it.

Quantity section:

1. Quantity estimated: The Estimate column contains the projected or forecasted revenue amounts. This value comes from the Project Estimates document.

Users can compare data in the Project Estimates document and Report.

2. Quantity Actual: The Actual column contains the revenue that has been realized or recorded up to the reporting date. Data will be picked from the below documents

  • Phased Revenue Recognition;
  • Invoice;
  • Project Revenue Recognition.

For example,

3. The variance column shows the difference between the estimated revenue and the actual revenue. It highlights any discrepancies between what was expected and what was achieved.  

Variance=Actual RevenueEstimated Revenue

Price Section: This section covers the financial aspects related to the project, focusing on pricing details.

  1. Price Estimated: This is the value derived from the Project Estimates document. It reflects the figures recorded in the Project Estimates document (refer to the detailed report in Section 1, Quantity Estimated).

  2. Price Actual: This includes values from various documents such as:

    • Phased Revenue Recognition
    • Invoices
    • Project Revenue Recognition
  3. Variance Column: This is calculated as the difference between the Estimated Price and the Actual Price.

Price Variance=Price ActualPrice Estimated

Amount Section:

This section combines the quantity and price data to provide a comprehensive view of the financial performance of the project.

  1. Estimated Amount:  The projected total revenue, calculated by multiplying the Quantity Estimated by the Price Estimated.

This is the value from the Project Estimates document.  

2. Actual Amount -  The actual total revenue achieved, based on the Quantity Actual and Price Actual.

here might be the following documents:

  • Phased Revenue Recognition;
  • Invoice;
  • Project Revenue Recognition.

3. Variance column- The difference between the estimated and actual amounts, calculated as

Amount Variance=Amount ActualAmount Estimated

Total Revenue for the project in the report is in grouping Project:

Users can also compare the report amounts with the Project Revenue data on the Diagrams Tab in the Project form (found in Projects Catalog) under the Revenue and Costs diagram.

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