Problem: Customer Order was partly invoiced, but a new Invoice contains full amount of the order.

Solution: Check Hierarchy Structure of the documents and their chronological order (dates and time should follow).

1. Customer Order contains three items:

2. One Invoice is already posted and contains 2 of 3 items:

But while generating of the second Invoice for the remaining item, the system includes all items, not only the remaining one:

The issue is caused by the date of the 1st invoice, it is preceding the 2nd invoice.
In the example, the first invoice is posted on December, 05, but the second invoice is created on December, 04.
As the system find no sales before December, 04, then it considers as total amount as not invoiced.

3. Create invoices subsequently, the system shows only the remaining items and not invoiced Quantity based on this particular Customer Order:

Thank you for being a FirstBIT customer!

# partial invoice customer order based

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