Hi there! If you are reading this information it looks like you are deciding do self-hosting installation our software or use cloud solution.
Information bellow will introduce you in our software architecture and implementation process. On next article you will found the list of technologies which we use for our ERP\Accounting software.

Requirements for FirstBIT application server:

  1. Server infrastructure:

    1. We require a dedicated OS (server) only for FirstBIT application, we do not recommend to install any other application on the same OS. Server can be a virtual or physical. The difference, In order to have a better performance - it is recommended to have a physical server (based on our performance tests). If you are want to have more availability and redundancy you may use virtual environment and it will be more useful.

    2. We strongly recommend to have Smart UPS system, which can automatically shut down your server in case of power issue or send alert about battery failure.

    3. Disabled C-states by BIOS (in both cases VM or Hardware). C-States are saving the energy, but in other hand you are loosing the frequency and performance of CPU. 

  2. Server OS: Windows Server: 2008R2 - 2022 with latest updates from Microsoft.

  3. DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server: 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 (Express Editions also supported). Our software is support embedded database, but it only for 3 online user.

  4. Web Server: Apache 2.4 or IIS: 8 - 11 (included in Windows Server).

  5. Networking: For Internal Networking we recommend only the static IP.

  6. External Access:

    1. For accessing the in-house ERP\Accounting system we recommend the static public IP.

    2. For secure connection we are using SSL type of connection (for SSL connection type we require SSL certificate, also we can use Let'Encrypt free certificates).

Our Recommendations for Server Hardware (please note our application based on OLTP model):

  • CPU:

    • Less than 50 online users: Intel Core i5, i7, i9 for maximum of frequency.

    • More than 50 online users: Xeon type Processors (in case of sharing frequency between big amount of users Xeon technologies will be more effective).

  • RAM: We require highest frequency.

  • Storage System: SSD type drives (RAID 1 is prefer)

  • Storage System: RAID 10 (in case on non SSD drive types)

Our Recommendations for Resource allocation:
(Please note, that real usage-based only on your work profile. Our recommendations based on common work profile.)


CPU (cores)


Storage (GB)

















Questionnaire before implementation:

  1. We have to know detailed information about server:

  • Server - brand\model

  • CPU - count\model\frequency

  • RAM - memory size

  • HDD - count\size

  • RAID - type\size

  • Virtual or Physical machine will be allocated to FirstBIT application?

  • Do you have flat network (without vlans) or you have special sub-nets?

  • Will the server be included into Active Directory? If yes, we require domain login for managing server.

  • Do you need an integration of FirstBIT authentication with Active Directory?

  • What backup System do you use? Where physically backups of FirstBIT application will be placed? Can FirstBIT app server be included to backup plan?

  • Do you need remote access to FirstBIT application

What should be prepared from customer side for implementation process:

  1. Common tasks:

    1. Disabled C-States for processor in BIOS - C0 is recommended. Reference - https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Processor_P-states_and_C-states

  2. Hardware installation case:

    1. Configured RAID 1 or RAID 10 (prefer) for server storage. We are not working with different type of RAID. Reference - http://www.raid-calculator.com/raid-types-reference.aspx

    2. Install Server OS.

    3. Install latest drivers from server Vendor on OS.

    4. Installed latest updates to OS. 

  3. Virtual Machine installation case:

    1. Import our template to Hypervisor (you can choose version in case).

    2. Choose the good storage (fast and reliable, with single server installation we recommend RAID10, in case if you have special data storage's you should make decision by yourself).

    3. Changed power plan of Hypervisor to "Hight Performance" option.

  4. Common tasks:

    1. Allocate static IP for local network and set it on machine.

    2. Chose the name of machine and set it to server (NetBIOS name).

    3. Provide remote access to machine by AnyDesk.

    4. Provide Local Admin or Domain Account (should be included in local admin) information to installation team.

What will be covered by our installation team:

  1. MS SQL server installation and configuration.

  2. Server OS configuration

  3. IIS server installation and configuration

  4. 1C app server installation and configuration

  5. Database setup on MSSQL + 1C + IIS

What we will not do:

  1. We are not configuring the firewall for external access.

  2. We will not install OS on hardware machines.

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