A purchase requisition is the first step in a company's purchasing process. A purchase requisition is a request from an employee or department to buy goods or services.

For goods- the initiator of the PR will be Store keeper, can check if the material are less, it can requested

Services- The initiator will be Project engineer or Manager, they will ask Head Office or Procurement Engineer to communicate with Sub contractors.

It can be created from the Project page or using Requisition document directly

a) Use generate option from Project form > Requisition

The MOST of the details will be filled from the project like the Recipient, Requested by, Entity, projects, Inventory and service tab-

  • Fill rest of the data manually based on the requirement i.e.

a) Required date- When the items or services are needed.
c) Enable the option- Tendering procurement in case, the purchase need to be done from various Companies. If this option is enabled, there will be additional tab Supplier (Tendering) and the main page will no longer have company details as suppliers/company can be selected in the supplier tendering tab. (It is explained in manual- Procurement requisition (Tendering)

  • Inventory and services tab-The data will be picked from the estimation of cost- It will add the items added under cost section.


Quantity column has three section of columns-

a) Total- It is the quantity required or requested for this project, it will be red in color if the estimation qty is exceeded i.e. more item are purchased than actual estimation.
b) To purchase- How much quantity should be purchased
c) To transfer- Transfer of balance from stock balance to this project i.e. the entity might have some stock available in the warehouse and same can be transferred from the warehouse to this project, if needed. For this example, if the item PIPE 110mm diameter requires 480 item in total, and stock balance is 50, in that case 50 can be transferred and remaining can be purchased

Remaining estimated qty column shows how many quantities of the items are yet to be purchased

  1. if it is Nil, it means the item purchased is equal to Item estimated.
  2. If the qty is positive, means the estimated qty are not yet purchased                    

  3. if the qty comes as negative, means more items were used for this project then estimated.
If the requisition need to be made based on remaining estimated qty, then click on the option Fill By Remaining estimated, in that case, the inventory and services will be refilled based on the qty which are estimated and yet to be purchased.

Once the details are filled, post the document.
Create Purchase order to the supplier, and can also undergo under Approval process if available.
That's how the Requisition should be created.

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