Backups can be taken in two ways:

1. Designer-To take a backup from Designer (recommended)

Select the Database and Click on Designer:

Before starting the backup, check for any active users, as their sessions could interrupt the process.

Go to Administration > Active Users:

Only the Administrator's username and the Designer application should be listed in the Active Users list:

 To create a backup, go to Administration > Dump Info Base:

Choose the location and save the file:

A pop-up message will appear once the process is complete:

Go up

2.  Backup from Database:

Go to Administration > Service Tools >Database backup:

Before taking a backup, check for any active users, as their sessions might interrupt the process.

To do this, go to Administration > Active Users:

Choose the location to save the backup file and click on Back Up Now:

You will receive the following message once the backup is complete:

Thank you for being a FirstBIT customer!                                                     #backup #designer