Problem: How to refund a prepayment when goods were returned from customer?

Solution: Create a Credit Note document and use it as the basis for Bank Payment.

In case the goods have been already sold to the customer and further return was done, the below steps should be followed:

1. Create Bank Receipt document to record an advance payment:

The amount will be recorded as advance:

In a report Statement of Mutual Settlement, you can see it as Advance Received:

2. Create an Invoice to sell Goods to the Customer and add prepayment in the offset box:

Invoice and Offset create corresponding records:

And Statement of Mutual Settlements shows that deal was settled:

3. To refund sold goods from Customer, create Credit Note document with reason in Comment and put Invoice as a basis:

The amount of this Credit Note appears as Accounts Received that should be refunded to Customer:

4. Create Bank Payment to the Customer on the basis of this Credit Note:

Record for repayment to Customer is created:

In the Statement of Mutual Settlements, there are no accounts to pay, so the refund to the Customer is fully paid and the balance is null:

Thank you for being a FIRST BIT customer!

# prepayment return for sold goods

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