Case- How can we list the items that remain in stock for a long time and are slow-moving?

In case the user needs to generate a report with data about slow-moving inventory report, the user may check the Fast Moving Items report and make the following settings in it:

This report is in the Sales section - Report of Sales:

A standard report form might be generated for the custom period, with parameters and additional standard filters.

Standard Fast moving items report collected data for items from the most sold goods for the specified period to the least sold ones:

It might be changed with the following setting (use menu - More actions - Change report variant):

On the Sort tab, it is possible to change the sort direction for numeric resources - Quality, Amount.
If the user needs to see slow-selling Items first - he should change the sort direction from Descending to Ascending.

The result of this setting will be as in the following picture:

Users can save their settings as a new report variant for later use.

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