Problem: How to add new columns in the standard report?

Solutions: Use the Change Report Variant option to edit report view.

1. Go to Sales > Reports of Sales and choose report Sales by Companies:

2. Press More actions and choose Change report variant:

3. Click on Report in the upper part to activate it, go to Fields tab and press the button Add new field:

4. Add needful fields to your report and press Complete:

5. Generate a new report and new columns are in the report:

6. To save this report view for further use, press More actions > Save the report variant:

Choose Create New Report Variant (function “Save in Existing Report Variant” is available only for user who created this exact report previously) and press Next:

Add the name of the Report and Description if required:

Give Quick access to this report to other users (they may open it using Select Variant report.. option) and Save:

Find saved report variant in the list of reports (Sales > Reports of Sales):

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#Add additional columns to report

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