Versions Compared


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Choose the method by selecting "Calculate Exchange Rate Differences on Month Closing Only" in Administration > Service Settings



with Option Enabled

  • Revaluation of GL Accounts in Foreign Currencies: GL accounts in foreign currencies (

    other than the accounting currency) such as

    e.g., Cash, Receivables, Payables, and Staff Settlements) are revalued at month-end using the current exchange rates.

    For example, if a bank account


  • has a balance of 23,000


  • EUR on June 30


  • with an exchange rate of 4.40 (101,200 Dirhams), and a subsequent deposit of 15,000


  • EUR on July 10 at 4.42 (66,300 Dirhams),


  • the new balance


  • becomes 167,500 Dirhams. By July 30, with an exchange rate of 4.45, the balance is revalued to 169,100 Dirhams,


  • reflecting a 1,600 Dirham gain.

  • For Payables and Receivables: Gains and losses for GL accounts , gains and losses in the Payables and Receivables sections are assessed at the document level. To calculate:

    1. Revalue the document amount using the month-end exchange rate.
    2. Compare this revalued amount with the amount at from the last revaluation date (either the transaction date or the previous month-end). A positive difference indicates a gain, while a negative difference indicates a loss.
    3. Realized gains and losses for settled transactions
    settled during the period
    1. are calculated at month-end
    1. based on the exchange rate
    1. on the payment date.



with Option Not Enabled

  • Continuous Exchange Rate Differences Calculation: If the option to "Calculate Exchange Rate Differences on Month Closing Only"


  • is not selected, exchange rate differences are calculated continuously throughout the period


  • :

    • For each new foreign currency transaction, amounts are recorded in the accounting currency using the exchange rate

    • on the transaction date.

    • Although exchange rate differences are not calculated for documents like Invoices or Invoice Received, all related foreign currency transactions and GL account balances are revalued

    based on
    • using the current exchange rate,

    • and this date

    • becomes the

    most recent
    • latest revaluation date

    for those transactions
    • .

    • For outgoing or incoming payments (e.g.,

    such as
    • Cash Receipts or Cash Payments), exchange rate differences are

    • calculated if the

    • rate on the payment date differs from

    that of
    • the rate on the original transaction date. Additionally, all related transactions and GL account balances are revalued

    • based on the payment date's exchange rate,

    establishing this date as
    • making it the latest revaluation date for the adjusted transactions.