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How to record Lease

A lease under IFRS 16 is a contract that grants the right to use an asset for a specified period in exchange for consideration. It must provide:


  • Capitalization: Leases are recorded on the balance sheet as a Right of Use (ROU) asset and a corresponding lease liability.
  • Expense Recognition: Both The income statement recognizes both the depreciation of the ROU asset and the interest on the lease liability are recognized on the income statement.

Step 1: Recognize the Lease Liability and Right-of-Use Asset

At the start of a lease, record the lease liability and right-of-use (ROU) asset as follows.

Create General Ledger (GL) accounts 
accounts named as Right of Use (ROU) asset assets under Non-current assets 
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Step 2:  Create an Inventory Item
-Set up an inventory item and select the "Right to Use" GL account from the option to edit GL accountsEdit GL Accounts option.
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Step 3- Create an invoice received document. In the main tab, enter the required details and select the Current Finance Lease Liabilities GL under the Accounts Payable column.

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In the inventory tab, add the item and complete the necessary details.

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Once filled. post the document
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Step 4 Create the manual depreciation for the asset using the Other expense document from Accounting (Every Month manually):
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The below entry will be created. Dr Right to use

                                                    Cr Current finance lease liabilities.
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Step 2: Recognize the Unwinding of the Lease Liability and Amortization of the Right-of-Use Asset

For each reporting period, you need to record the following:

1. Payments Made

Recognize any lease payments made during the period, which will reduce the lease liability. Create a cash/Bank payment document with transaction type Others.

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In the Bank payment tab, choose Current finance lease liability GL, and choose the company and contract. Review the document and post the transaction.

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The below entry will be created 

Dr Current finance lease liabilities

Cr Bank accounts

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2. Amortization of the Right-of-Use Asset

Depreciation for a lease is typically recorded under the Amortization Expense, reflecting the expense related to the right-of-use (ROU) asset. it is categorized under Operating Expenses on the income statement.

Create a new GL under operating expense GL

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Create an expense entry to record the Depreciation-Go to Accounting > Other expense document

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Create a new document, select the accrual option in the main tab, and choose the relevant entity.

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Add the Amortization Expense GL on the debit side of the document, and on the credit side, include the Right-of-Use GL.

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The entry will be Dr Amortization expense (Lease)

                           Cr Right to use          

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2. Interest Accrued

Recognize the interest expense on the lease liability, which represents the borrowing cost. Create a new Other Expense document.

In the main tab, select the accrual option and choose the appropriate entity.

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In the expense tab, add the Financial Expense GL on the debit side and the Current Finance Lease Liabilities on the credit side of the document.

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The below entry will be created.

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After all the above entries, the financial statements will reflect the following effects:

  1. Income Statement:

    • Increased Expenses: Amortization and interest expenses will reduce net income.
  2. Balance Sheet:

    • Assets: The Right-of-Use asset will decrease over time due to amortization.
    • Liabilities: The Lease Liability will decrease as payments are made and interest is recognized.

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Step 3: Continue to Record Journal Entries Until Lease Expiry

Record entries for lease payments, interest, and amortization. These entries will gradually reduce both the lease liability and the right-of-use asset to zero by the lease expiry.

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