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Here is Welcome to the FirstBIT FirstBit Accounting systemapplication.

It is designed was developed to automate the accounting process, including the generation of reports that processes in your organization and designed to make these processes easier for users.  Accounting processes and routines include entering the master data, documents, running and analyzing reports. With FirstBit Accounting, you can be sure that accounting processes and generated reports meet the standards of IFRS as well as for the automation of tax accounting and preparation of taxation reports according to the tax reporting meet the requirements of Federal Decree-Law No. (8) of 2017.

In this guide, we'll consider the main system features.
Let's start with covering the general principles of the system interface organization.

This guide will introduce you to the the application's interface and its main functionality.

Home Page

When you open the systemapplication, first first  what you see the home page.Image Removedis the Home Page with a manager dashboard.

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The screenshot above demonstrates Home Page with information on the entity's Receivables; to view information on Payables and Cash Flows, use the corresponding buttons on the top.

Home page is customizable. It can Generally, it could contain the most relevant information that particularly you need, for instance, the information about payables and receivables of your entity. You can always go back to the home page by clicking Home Page . You can easily customize it for your needs, using the corresponding tool in the Analysis module.

Note. To return to Home Page at any time when working in the application,  click the Home Page Image Added button in the upper left corner of the application window. 



Look and Feel Options

For better user experience, users can change the application look and feel as they prefer. Each user can select the color theme of the interface in Personal Settings; the change will affect only the particular user.

You can view some of the color theme options presented in a table below.


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Main Menu

In the application window, the main menu is located to the left.

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Each section in the system corresponds to the particular accounting type (Sales, Purchasing, Warehouse), or the similar functions groups (Accounting, Administration, Analysis).

If you select any section from the main operating area, its menu opens. Let's view the section content.

In each menu, you can see the following sections:

  • Catalogs
  • Documents
  • Reports

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Catalogs are the lists of the same type accounting items. For example, we use companies (to show whom the inventory and services is sold to) and items (to specify the inventory and services sold) catalogs for sales accounting. Each item of the catalog contains the same data set. E.g. for each company we can specify a name, address and main contract.

Usually, all catalogs are filled in at the accounting start in the system. Then you can add some information, if necessary.

Documents are the lists of registered events from the entity's activity. For example, at sale such events occur: a customer order is generated, sale is conducted, additional expenses on sale are registered. Events are registered in the system as they rise. The subject matter of accounting process in the system is to enter information about what is happening.

Reports show the data entered in the system in convenient for viewing and analysis wayThe main menu contains a list of functional modules enabled in the application.

The modular design of the FirstBit Accounting application makes it easily customizable for different needs of different businesses. 

The core modules - Accounting, Money, Sales, Purchasing, Warehouses, Analysis, and Taxes - are the integral part of the application and support general functions for accounting, procurement, and financial and tax reporting. Another core module, Administration, provides the functionality used throughout the application: users and user access, audit log, background jobs, email and notification support, and more.

Modules with more specific functionality, such as Asset Management, Project Costing, and Human Resources and Payroll can be seamlessly added to the application upon request.

Module menu

Click any module in the main menu - the module's menu opens. Let's see what typical sections a module includes.

Generally, you can view the following sections:

  • Master Data
  • Documents
  • Reports
  • Service Tools
  • See also

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Master Data

Master data is information that your business consistently uses generally without changing: this information may relate to your entity's products and services, customers and suppliers, financial analytics, and other business areas.

Master data of each type contains master records of same-type objects with their attributes and properties. For example, the Companies master data contains information on customers and suppliers. A company master record includes: company name, address, a list of contracts, contact information, bank accounts, payment terms. The master records of items provide information on their inventory ID, manufacturer, prices, UOM, unit weight, applicable VAT rate, and so on.

Usually, master records are created at the implementation stage; however, you can add new records as needed.


This section contains documents of several types used to register the entity's activities specific to module (in the screenshot above, the types of documents are related to sales. 


Reports represent the data captured in the application database in meaningful and convenient for viewing and analysis format. For example, you can use the Sales by Companies report to analyse analyze the sales data (allows you to analyze items and quantity of inventory purchased by customers), or the Gross Profit report (allows you to analyze the marginal profit margin per each item sold).

Service Tools

This section provides you with more advanced functionality: for instance, you can define auto-discounts and conditions for their application, and then when a user creates an Invoice, these discounts will be applied automatically once conditions are met.

See also

This sections may include master data and some documents.

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