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Requirements for FirstBIT application server:

  1. Server infrastructure:

    Server infrastructure:
    1. We require a dedicated OS (server) only for FirstBIT application, we do not recommend to install any other application on the same OS. Server can be a virtual or physical. The difference, In order to have a better performance - it is recommended to have a physical server (based on our performance tests). If you are want to have more availability and redundancy you may use virtual environment and it will be more useful.

  2. Server infrastructure: UPS system for server protection from unexpected power disables and as result loosing the data from storage. Will be more better if UPS will have some feedback with server for proper shutdown in case of dead battery of UPS.

    1. We strongly recommend to have Smart UPS system, which can automatically shut down your server in case of power issue or send alert about battery failure.

    2. Disabled C-states by BIOS (in both cases VM or Hardware). C-States are saving the energy, but in other hand you are loosing the frequency and performance of CPU. 

  3. Server OS: Windows Server: 2008R2, 2012R2, 2016 with latest updates from Microsoft.

  4. DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server: 2014, 2016 (Express Editions supported). Our software is support embedded database, but it only for 3 online user.

  5. Web Server: Apache 2.4 (httpd) or IIS: 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 (included in Windows Server).

  6. Networking: For Internal Networking we recommend only the static IP.

  7. External Access:

    1. For accessing the in-house ERP\Accounting system we recommend the static public IP.

    External Access:
    1. For secure connection we are using SSL type of connection (for SSL connection type we require SSL certificate, also we can use Let'Encrypt free certificates).

Our Recommendations for Server Hardware (please note our application based on OLTP model):

  • CPU:

    • Less than 50 online users: Intel Core i5, i7, i9 for maximum of frequency.

    • More than 50 online users: Xeon type Processors (in case of sharing frequency beetwen big ammount of users Xeon technologies will be more effective).

  • RAM: We require highest frequency.

  • Storage System: SSD type drives (RAID 1 is prefer)

  • Storage System: RAID 10 (in case on non SSD drive types)

Our Recommendations for Resource allocation:
(Please note, that real usage-based only on your work profile. Our recommendations based on common work profile.)
